About Dr. Ren Lexander

“Who taught you all this, doctor?” The reply came promptly: “Suffering.”

Albert Camus, The Plague
Dr Ren Lexander a few years ago (when he was still going by his original name of Garry Ross Sargeant)

I was born onto a small farm in Old Toongabbie, to the west of Sydney, Australia. My mother managed the farm helped by myself and my elder brother. He was four-and-a-half years older than me and had been born with cerebral palsy and was epileptic. My father was a truck driver. My mother was one of the greatest people I have ever met. My father… I decline to comment on him here.


By the age of 26, I had completed a PhD in philosophy.


At the same age, I experienced a major life set-back. I had a business project collapse. This threw me back on myself. It put me into a dark space… I questioned…


  • Does life have any meaning?
  • Would it really matter if I died tomorrow?
  • Would it really matter if I killed myself? (I wasn’t suicidal but this question was in my face.)
  • Can life be truly meaningful?
  • Can I make my life meaningful?


Since I already had that Ph.D. in philosophy, I turned there for answers. The answers I got there proved, over time, to be worse than useless.


My quest to find answers to these questions has shaped my life.


It has taken me on a search that has encompassed philosophy, spirituality, experiential psychology, relationships, Tai Chi and Taoist sexual practices, Jungian (and other) psychology, business, writing, dance, history, mysticism, and…more than anything else… it has been informed by a deep journey into and through myself… a journey of healing and transformation… with many unexpected turns and revelations.


Coming up to my 33rd birthday, I had an absolutely unexpected revelation about how my original name (Garry Ross Sargeant) had emerged from my father’s subconscious and gone on to influence me. This led to the general revelation that, because names in English have lost their meanings, they have become free radicals to be associated with words that do have meaning. For more on this, go to www.namedecoding.com.


In helping others to understand the psychological impact of their name, I was approached by people to help them change their names. This caused me to research the history of names and name-creation. As so many people have been negatively impacted by these ‘meaningless’ names, it caused me to ask how babies can be given names that positively impact. Hence… How to Name Your Baby.


Prevention is better than cure.